Ossi Piispanen – Photographer / Director
London calling! Ossi Piispanen is a photographer who always, always puts people front and center. His high energy photoshoots have captivated clients from football clubs to big international brands, and the world doesn’t seem to get enough of him and his signature quirky, documentary, and yet classical style – with a twist that only Ossi can bring.
Although Ossi has a strong technical background, he often loves to shake things up and not take the conventional route. It is not uncommon for Ossi to shoot something that was initially thought out to be a portrait in a landscape form – and vice versa.
Few things inspire Ossi more than being presented with an opportunity to dive head first into a subject that he knows absolutely nothing about, and put his mind and soul into digging out everything there is to know about the subject at hand.
New people and cultures, whether mainstream or underground, fascinate Ossi immensely, and he enjoys challenging his own thoughts and ideas by keeping an open mind and learning from different people and different ways of thinking. He strongly believes that a photographer’s biggest asset (right after his camera and his eye) are his communication skills.
Despite the fact that Ossi has lived in London for over a decade, he often works in his Homeland shooting a variety of personal and commissioned projects for clients like VR, Red Bull, The Guardian and Finlandia Vodka. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.
For inquiries contact us at studio@fotonokka.fi or call+358 9 58 68 200